By FANUC & FerRobotics

Thank you for attending at the Stellantis Factory Booster Day 2023!

Physical & Digital Event, November 8th 2023
Stellantis Betim Plant, Brazil, South America


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Boost your production

  • Reduce the physical demands that can potentially lead to health issues
  • Worker Safety
  • Increased Efficiency
  • Improved Quality and Repeatability
  • Reduce labor cost

FANUC could apply fine line tape from 12mm up to 50mm in areas that are currently being manually taped and could also apply double layer tape in areas that plastic needs to be applied, such as the roof and around sunroofs.


We think ahead in the problem solving to increase your competitiveness at any time. Our patented Active Compliant Technology solutions help to achieve better results in quality and productivity for all those involved in these processes.

Request your demo:

    I hereby agree that the following personal data can be processed by FerRobotics for the purposes of dealing with my queries: name, company, email address. Further information on data protection can be found in our data protection declaration.

    The ATK offers the highest process
    quality from one source, and with a design that’s
    compact and light

    Ronald Naderer, CEO


    Premium taping solution

      Consists of a tape head and control box
      Retractable cutter
      Robot/tool communication is Ethernet TCP/IP
      Tape width from 12mm to 50mm
      Max. force  100N | 10N to 70N suggested
      Force can be adjusted on the fly
      35.5mm stroke for going over contours