Active Angular Kit
AAK 595/695 + AAK 591/691

The new FerRobotics AAK robotic tool series
AAK 595/695 system solution with 90-degree-drive and tool taper changing system
for flexible surface finishing
AAK 591/691 system solution with 90-degree-drive
for continuous tasks
An essential factor in automated production is the fast and cost-optimized access to several tools. Especially for components with many machining steps or smaller batch sizes, you can secure your economic advantage with an end-of-arm tool that can do it all. This is where the new FerRobotics Active Angular Kit series with 90-degree-drive scores. Optionally with tool taper changing system, which enables rapid job modulations as a plug&play system. The machining angle requested by many customers enables various applications such as cutting, satin finishing, radial brushing and many more.
These end-effectors are available in different power levels, each with a fully integrated servo motor for powerful drive. A complete solution that automates the industrial machining process. With individual control of all process parameters: Rotation speed, contact force and feed rate.
All system packages are based on the 1000-times proven Active Compliant Technology (ACT) - the sensitive, unique contact force control.
Optimized for robotic use, it is successfully used in these automated surface finishing operations:
- Grinding
- Polishing
- Deburring
- Cutting
- Brushing
- Satin finishing
and much more
Universally compatible with all common abrasive attachments.
So no special or manufacturer-dependent consumables are required.
Reduce manual work steps through automated change of grinding media - relieve the production team and save valuable time.
Because those who can produce faster, more consistently and thus more cost-effectively have a clear advantage when it comes to placing orders.
Impressive robotic tools for automation experts who rely on "full sensitive power ahead" for surface finishing in aerospace, automotive and general industry.

The new extended AAK 90-degree-drive product family is ideal for many types of surface finishing and offers the highest process quality from one source. The system design is compact and lightweight. The enormously robust end-effector is designed for industrial use, requires little maintenance and delivers performance 24/7.
We feel most at ease where there is
Room for Improvement
Put your questions to the global market leader in flexible robotics. It’s important to us to communicate with you in the best way possible: our experts are always happy to help and share their expertise with you.